Sunday, April 25, 2010

George Washington: Library Thief?

Ok, so while surfing Online the other day I came across a very short article entitle "George Washington Owes Library $300,000". I was intrigued. How is it that our first president had such a library debt. The article stated: "On 5 October 1789, the first president borrowed two books from what was then the only library in Manhattan - 'Law of Nations,' a dissertation on international relations, and a volume of debate transcripts from Britain’s House of Commons. George Washington did not even bother to sign his name in the borrower’s ledger. An aide simply scrawled 'president' next to the title to show who had taken them out."

And appartently he was not the only founding father to owe our American libraries some money. However, can we compare that debt to the price of America's freedom?

1 comment:

  1. I find this information comforting because last semester I read an article about a high school principal who thought the libraries with actual books to be irrelevant. He had set in motion plans to do away with the physical collection and have students use kindles and personal laptops provided by the school to access all information they needed online. I'm glad to see that the library is making a comeback in some people's lives.
